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Obituaries » Neila Marie Bivians - Thrower

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Neila Marie Bivians - Thrower

April 26, 2019

Burial Date May 2, 2019

Obituary Viewed 3725 times

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Hey cousin my heart goes out to you as well as Rob her daughter Keisha and her son Chris she will be missed and I will be keeping you the kids and all of the family in my thoughts and prayers love always

Posted by Russell Bellamy on May 2, 2019

Dearest David… My heart goes out to you (Stacy & your family). No matter the circumstances one is never completely ready for the loss of someone so significant in our life. I share the following quote hoping it will be of comfort to you as it has been for me….. When we are drawn into the brotherhood/sisterhood of loss, tenderness seems to be our natural state and our minds are constantly flooded with memories from the past. Some memories call us back into the happier more carefree world before our lives were shaken by loss of those we loved—triggering memories—a tilt of the head, a laugh, a touch, a way of walking, a conversation. These images are like beads strung together on a necklace of treasured memories as gifts from the life we shared with the ones we have lost, gifts that can never be taken away. My love to you always.. Aunt Chris

Posted by Christina Bellamy on May 2, 2019

Hey cousin, My prayers are now and have always been with you. Travel well...until we meet again. Love you Robin

Posted by Robin Jefferson on April 30, 2019

Hey cousin, My prayers are now and have always been with you. Travel well....until we meet again. Love You Robin

Posted by Robin Jefferson on April 30, 2019